Back in the late who knows what, men went to work and provided for their family, while, the wife took care of the home and children. Have you ever wondered how many of those women would have loved to be apart of society? But now that we have the chance are we giving everything else up for a chance to prove something to that same society?
Now a days women are fighting the question whether they want to settle for Love and hope that everything else will follow or continue on the one path to prove to society that women as well as men can have a success career.
Love: A deep feeling of attachment and affection towards a special person. Love can give you something that a career cant___Pause____. Well romance of course, the truth is true love is so hard to find that leaving such a great attachment behind for things such as work, and nightlife is extremely ridiculous. I mean think about if you dont have a well spoken relationship in which you feel you can't be alone at times maybe what your feeling is lust ( but thats another topic).
Career: On the other hand we have the satisfaction of knowing that your a woman and your on the way to the top. Thats an amazing feeling but everyone has a support team and if you so happen to come down that same support team will be the one pushing you back up. I understand that for a woman having a successful career is a self satisfaction and I also understand how it would be ridiculous for any one to leave their career for love. Who's heard of such thing ?!?!
Confused?!? Vero what are you saying woman ?!?
What I'm trying to say is:
Why should you have to give up either or ?!?
There's no reason why you would have to choose between 2 different aspects of your life in which both can make you so greatly happy when balanced correctly.
I questioned myself about this same topic and as I was writing I came to realize the more I surround myself with positive influences the more creative I can be. I believe a real woman can be a wife, a mother, a freak, beautiful in and out and still have a successful career. If you feel that you can't handle it then maybe you need to ask yourself " Who are you really?"
I'll leave you with this thought, If it ever came to a real decision in which you feel you don't know what to do. Just think about your future , do you really want to wake up at 50 near retirement and alone?
Money does not equal happiness only self- satisfaction does.